This blog is dedicated to distributing ANIME-manga that abides by the following rules listed below:
1.) OVA
2.) 13 episodes or less (exceptions)
3.) Anime Opening theme
4.) Anime Ending theme
5.) Unlicensed Anime

And may change at anytime.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Top ANIME! Best series and ...!

what's happening guys? I just stumbled on a video that might catch your interest. I believe you've seen it several times already, but another indulgement wouldn't hurt the mind, correct?

It's a video uploaded to google video repository. Here it is, FLCL (Furi Kuri):

Uh, darn! I knew this is hopeless. I'm always talking to myself. I wish there was someone here who could keep me company. What a terrible position to be in. A lonely fellow drifting on the ends of earth between misery and death.

Someone? Anyone? HELLO? Nevermind, this is completely fruitless. I AM talking to myself;I know I am. Good-bye and until next time, ...myself.

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