This blog is dedicated to distributing ANIME-manga that abides by the following rules listed below:
1.) OVA
2.) 13 episodes or less (exceptions)
3.) Anime Opening theme
4.) Anime Ending theme
5.) Unlicensed Anime

And may change at anytime.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tactical Roar _ANIME

Genres: comedy, romance, science fiction

Summary: In the near future the world's climate shifted creating in the Western Pacific a perpetual super cyclone: the Grand Roar that altered the earth, flooding most countries. Shipping and navigation became important to nations and followed by the specter of ocean pirates thus necessisating companies to hire escort cruisers to safeguard their investments. Hyousuke Nagimiya is a system engineer that was comissioned to upgrade the Pascal Magi manned by an entire crew of women with its captain, Misaki Nanaha. Together the crew strives to prove themselves to their detractors that they are no mere 'Alice Brand'. Yet as they go about their mission a larger global conspiracy seems to be working behind the scenes to take advantage of this new world order.

01: Aye, Shorty!
02: Her Reasons
03: Smile and True Face
04: A Scenery With K
05: Strikeback
06: Converging Nightmares
07: Eniac Maniac
08: Sunset Festival
09: Butterfly Rush
10: Bottom Line
11: Flower
12: The Ninth Thesis
13: Outward Bound

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