This blog is dedicated to distributing ANIME-manga that abides by the following rules listed below:
1.) OVA
2.) 13 episodes or less (exceptions)
3.) Anime Opening theme
4.) Anime Ending theme
5.) Unlicensed Anime

And may change at anytime.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ichigo 100% OVAs _ANIME

Genre: romance, comedy

Info: The OVAs of Ichigo 100% were all released at different times compared to the TV series. The first OVA was released before the TV series aired (and was made solely by Madhouse). They are not a continuation of the TV series, but are rather separate episodes based on certain chapters from the Ichigo 100% manga.*see below

01: Stormy Spring Festival of the Night Mist
02: Oumi Academy Exodus
03: Fresh Pension Crisis ~ Be Careful of the Owner!
04: Sudden change of Heart!?

In terms of the anime, OVA 1 would logically go between episodes 12 and 13, OVA 2 would go between episodes 21 and 22, and the specials would go immediately after episode 24. OVAs 3 and 4 stand alone.*see below

*taken from WIKI

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