This blog is dedicated to distributing ANIME-manga that abides by the following rules listed below:
1.) OVA
2.) 13 episodes or less (exceptions)
3.) Anime Opening theme
4.) Anime Ending theme
5.) Unlicensed Anime

And may change at anytime.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Anime is BETTER than sex!

OK. I apologize for having a misleading header. I just thought I would try to tempt some pubescent young man to read on. I failed... or maybe not. =)

Now tell me that's not interesting?! Imagine having assembled a hundred couples (or half, adding up to 100) posing as strangers taking a walk on an uncrowded town. Then the next thing you see, it happens, each one of the individuals tearing off their clothes, and licentiously acting out the great fornication parade in your wake! So tell me, won't you join the fun? :)

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